Notification payload

GET /v1/notification

This is not an actual endpoint. SkinsMoney sends you notification with payload shown here. Notification is sent as JSON. You MUST respond to it with HTTP 200 status code, and body must be "OK".


Body Required

  • serviceId uuid Required

    Service ID

  • minValue number Required

    Minimum trade value, which you specified upon creating deposit

  • tradedValue number Required

    Actual traded value

  • steamId string Required

    Buyers' STEAMID64

  • transactionId uuid Required

    Deposit ID

  • date string Required

    Date formatted in ISO8601 format

  • status string Required

    Deposit status

    Values are success, failure, waiting, or pending.

  • currency string Required
  • ipnAttempt integer Required

    IPN delivery attempt

  • isTest integer Required

    Is deposit executed in test mode?

    Values are 0 or 1.

  • custom string

    Custom parameter requested upon deposit create. This field will not be shown if it was omitted on creating deposit

  • Redirect url. This field will not be shown if it was omitted on creating deposit

  • Signature hashed in sha256 using parameters in above order + hash key from panel, separated with |


  • 200 text/plain

    IPN handled successfully

GET /v1/notification
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"serviceId":"3e1ffc0d-80ae-4931-b1cd-9692938849c0","minValue":0.01,"tradedValue":0.24,"steamId":"76561199012591716","transactionId":"e1ffc0d-80ae-4931-b1cd-9692938849c0","date":"2023-03-17T14:09:02+00:00","status":"success","currency":"USD","ipnAttempt":1,"isTest":1,"custom":"42734","redirectUrl":"","signature":"f034f9986ae0fa2e3de3b40fcc378bacf6a5a01d269af841121501f610ddc65b"}'
Request example
  "serviceId": "3e1ffc0d-80ae-4931-b1cd-9692938849c0",
  "minValue": 0.01,
  "tradedValue": 0.24,
  "steamId": "76561199012591716",
  "transactionId": "e1ffc0d-80ae-4931-b1cd-9692938849c0",
  "date": "2023-03-17T14:09:02+00:00",
  "status": "success",
  "currency": "USD",
  "ipnAttempt": 1,
  "isTest": 1,
  "custom": "42734",
  "redirectUrl": "",
  "signature": "f034f9986ae0fa2e3de3b40fcc378bacf6a5a01d269af841121501f610ddc65b"
Request examples
  "serviceId": "3e1ffc0d-80ae-4931-b1cd-9692938849c0",
  "minValue": 0.01,
  "tradedValue": 0.24,
  "steamId": "76561199012591716",
  "transactionId": "e1ffc0d-80ae-4931-b1cd-9692938849c0",
  "date": "2023-03-17T14:09:02+00:00",
  "status": "success",
  "currency": "USD",
  "ipnAttempt": 1,
  "isTest": 1,
  "custom": "42734",
  "redirectUrl": "",
  "signature": "f034f9986ae0fa2e3de3b40fcc378bacf6a5a01d269af841121501f610ddc65b"
Response examples (200)